The South San Francisco Police Association was formed as a non-profit organization to represent its membership with respect to their health, welfare and expressed interests.

Consistent with the purpose of the organization, the Association shall represent its members in matters of wages, hours, working conditions, grievances, terms of employment, training, legal defense and research and any significant personnel welfare item so adjudged. It shall also function as a recognized employee organization to act as an arbiter in departmental personnel matters, in an advisory capacity to the departmental administration and provide committees to task force matters relating to the departmental structure.

The organizational leadership will at all times reflect in their decision the ultimate purpose of the Association – To promote better understanding of law enforcement role in the community and to insure the good and welfare of each member.

Membership in the South San Francisco Police Association is limited to full time employed members of the South San Francisco Police Department.  Only Unit C members will attend and vote on any wage relation decisions.  The Chief of Police is an ex-officio member of the Association at his discretion, provided that he may not hold office or be eligible to vote.

Any active member who retires from the department retains his membership as a retired member of the Association and in such status cannot hold office or vote and need not pay dues.Retired members as a group shall have their voice represented at board meetings through a single elected member who then communicates relevant information to the retired members.

Constitution and by-laws were first ratified and submitted to FTB as of October 1976.  A determination of 501 c 5 status was finalized on June 29, 1977.Most recent by-laws have been updated and ratified as of  Nov, 2014.

Established in January of 2022: The mission of the SSFPA Survivor Benefit Foundation is to act as the altruistic arm of the South San Francisco Police Association. Our general purpose is to support and serve the community of South San Francisco through outreach opportunities in addition to providing immediate and ongoing financial assistance, and peer support for the spouses/families of the fallen and injured men and women of the South San Francisco Police Association whether active or retired and surrounding law enforcement agencies.

SSFPA Survivor Benefit Foundation has been established and received 501c3 status approval as of  5/14/2024.     EIN#99-3260888

The SSFPA Survivor Benefit Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation. (this paragraph's font should be 10pt)

Submitted for publishing 8/8/2024 – J. Bartolotti, Office Manager SSFPA
all information compiled from original documentation